
Your position:Homenews


Source: Shenzhen Riez Tech Co., Ltd Author: Haoqi Release time: August 10, 2020

1. At parties, smoking doesn't have to go to exchange brands, but to communicate with each other, "Hey, so you like to smoke this flavor recently.". Whether it's real or psychological, the early e-cigarette enthusiasts will discuss the benign changes of the body.

2. In front of e-cigarette lovers, those who still only buy cigarettes will be regarded as old school and traditional. The conflict between the old and the new ideas, consumption habits to some extent determine the personal position, whether willing or not, traditional smokers will be regarded as conservative defenders.

3. The dark yellow smoked on the fingers gradually fades away, and the smell in the mouth of an old smoker weakens. When people communicate with you, as long as you are not in the state of puffing clouds, the distance may be closer and the dislike is less.

4. Lighters are idle, and the sociality caused by the behavior of lighting and handing cigarettes is weakened, and the way for younger brothers to please their elder brother is reduced by another one. However, the witty younger brother can also say "brother, I'll give you a new cigarette bomb".

5. When giving gifts, one cigarette replaces one. The exquisite outer package, which seems to be a very interesting design, is only a gift. Obviously, it takes a lot of thought to send e-cigarettes than to send traditional cigarettes directly.

6. The reason why cigarettes are popular is not only physical addiction, but also a large part of psychological and cultural factors. All kinds of smoking scenes in the film and television culture subtly shape a series of smokers' images and provide consumption scenes for smoking. These atmosphere and scenes are one of the factors that e-cigarettes can not replace cigarettes at present.

7. Whether smoking cigarettes or e-cigarettes, we should not let second-hand smoke affect others. Even if it's fruit that you think smells good, you shouldn't let smoke drift to other people, and no one likes the smell filtered out of your mouth.

8. In the movie thank you for smoking, the protagonist has an important point: for adults, we may as well put the pros and cons of smoking on the table and let everyone choose freely. In a sense, the right of free choice is greater than health. At present, for e-cigarettes, the right to know is greater than the right to choose.

9. Compared with the history of electronic cigarettes, this situation is more vague. So at this moment, when the two stand together, for most people, cigarettes are like an old urchin with a bad smile on their faces. While electronic cigarettes, whose faces are covered and mysterious, are only displayed in bright and beautiful clothes.

10. If you are a minor, whether it's a cigarette or an e-cigarette, stay away from both of them.

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