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Electronic cigarette is looking forward to the introduction of

Source: Shenzhen Riez Tech Co., Ltd Author: Haoqi Release time: August 10, 2020
According to the results of the 2018 national health and Nutrition Survey the smoking rate of South Korean people dropped significantly , to the lowest in history . Lastyear , the smoking rate of over 19 years old was 22.4% , up 0 . 1 percentage point year on year.( 35.1% ) The smoking rate of men decreased by nearly half from 66.3% in 1998 to 36.7% , while that of women increased slightly from 6 . 5 % to . 5 % . At the same time , theutilization rate of e-cigarettes was 4.3%.It was the highest since the investigation began in 2013 . 7.1% of men smoked e-cigarettes , while the proportion of women was 1.1%.According to the results of the health survey of adolescents in 2019 , the smoking rate of adolescents is 6.7% , basically unchanged , but the rate of smoking e-cigarettesas continued to in crease in recent three years . Proportion of teenagers smoking steam type e-cigarettes in 2016.

Electronic cigarette is looking forward to the introduction of

2%-2.79 in 2018 , rising to 3.2% this year.In addition , in the past 20 years , Korean peoples chronic diseases such as hypertension and obesity , physical activity and eating habits have also changed . The obesityrate of men over the age of 19 increased from 25 . 1 % in 1998 to 42.8% last year , while that of women increased from 25 . 1 % in 1998 to 42.8% in last year.2% to 25.5% . The proportion of men over 30 years old suffering from hypertension increased slightly from 32.4% to 33.2% , while that of women decreased from 26.8% to23.1% . With the increase of animal food intake , fat intake ( per person per day ) increased.1 g in 1998 to 49 . 5g in 2018.
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